Basal Metabolic Rate Calculator -

Basal Metabolic Rate calculator gives you the measure of your base metabolic rate. BMR is actually the energy that you expend when you are resting in an environment that is neutrally temperate, and in post-absorptive state. The calculator here uses Mifflin-St Jeor equation for performing the calculations.

US Unit Metric Unit
Height feet inchs
Weight pounds

Basal Metabolic Rate Calculator -

Basal Metabolic Rate calculator gives you the measure of your base metabolic rate. BMR is actually the energy that you expend when you are resting in an environment that is neutrally temperate, and in post-absorptive state. The calculator here uses Mifflin-St Jeor equation for performing the calculations. BMR can also be understood with a simple example of determining the amount of gas consumed by an idle car when it is parked somewhere. When in such state, energy is only needed for maintaining vital organs including heart, kidneys, lungs, nervous system, liver, intestines, sex organs, skin and muscles. In most of the people, more than ~70% of the total energy or calories burned every day is because of upkeep. Only ~20% expenditure is due to physical activity while ~10% of it goes to food digestion or thermogenesis.

The BMR Variables
There are several variables involved in BMR. Let's take a look at them.

Muscle Mass - Different aerobic exercises like cycling or running do not affect BMR. But anaerobic exercise like weight-lifting can indirectly result in higher BMR as it builds your muscle mass and, in turn, increases the consumption of energy while resting.
Age - BMR goes lower as you grow older and get limber. When caloric intake required for sustaining the proper functioning of different organs gets lower, BMR goes with it too.
Genetics - BMR is also influenced by the hereditary traits that are passed down by the ancestors.
Pregnancy - When the body has to ensure livelihood of separate fetus internally, the BMR is increased. That's exactly why the pregnant women are always craving for something. Besides, menopause can also increase/decrease BMR according to the hormonal changes that take place inside the body.
Supplements - There are some drugs and supplements that are known to increase BMR, mostly for fueling weight loss.

Basal Metabolic Rate Calculator -

Resting Metabolic Rate

Though RMR is used interchangeably with BMR, there's a major difference in the two. RMR is the rate of burning energy in relaxed state but when it's not completely inactive. BMR measurements, on the other hand, must meet the total physiological equilibrium whereas conditions for RMR measurement can change and contextual limitations may define them.

How Basal Metabolic Rate Calculator Works?

When using this Basal Metabolic Rate calculator for measuring the BMR values, you have to select whether you want to use US or Metric units. After that, just enter the values in the calculator including age, height, and weight. Besides, you also have to select your gender as the calculations will be performed accordingly. After entering all the necessary values, just click the calculate button and you will be shown your BMR in calories per day.

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